Global Connections

Round 6 Eligibility & Selection Process

Please Note: The information on this page refers to Round 6 of the program, which is no longer accepting applications. At this time, the next round of the Global Connections program has not been announced and is dependent on funding. To receive updates on future open application cycles, please subscribe to TCG Grant Updates.

Eligible applicants must submit their applications through TCG's Online Application Portal no later than the listed deadlines.  Recipients in Round 6 • Cycle A and Round 6 • Cycle B of this program are not eligible to apply in Round 6 • Cycle C and applicants can only receive one grant in Round 6.

Organizations must meet the following requirements:

  • 501(c)3 status (Fiscal sponsors are not allowed);
  • History of developing and/or producing its own theatre work over the last three years;
  • Location within the United States or its territories;
  • Employment of at least one full-time salaried staff person at the time of application;
  • All artists within the organization must be compensated a fair amount for their work, but it is not necessary for the theatre to use an Equity contract.

Individual Theatre Professionals must meet the following requirements:

  • Proof of U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Resident status;
  • Have a minimum of five years experience working in the not-for-profit theatre field with a history of developing theatre works within the last year;
  • Capacity to implement the proposed activity as illustrated by previous projects of similar size, scope and structure.

Additional Program Specific Eligibility Requirements:

On the Road

  • All organizations and individual applicants must use funds to seek new relationships with artists from outside the U.S.;
  • Requests for support to travel to meet with existing or previous collaborators are not eligible for this initiative of the program;
  • Applications focusing solely on travel or scouting without a cultural exchange component will not be competitive;
  • Previous recipients are not eligible to apply in consecutive rounds.

In the Lab

  • All U.S. organizations and individual applicants must have a history of producing professional work or developing new work with professional artists from other countries, and illustrate a previous history of working together.
  • Requests for support to develop projects with new collaborators are not eligible for this initiative of the program.
  • Previous recipients are not eligible to apply in consecutive rounds.

Selection Process and Criteria

TCG’s core values of Artistry, Diversity, Activism, and Global Citizenship inform its programs and services for the not-for-profit theatre field. TCG believes in the equitable disbursement of grants throughout its programs to nurture and support an interdependent, inclusive, and sustainable theatre field.

Applications will be evaluated by an independent national selection panel of experienced theatre professionals with a background in international exchange. Panelists will review eligible proposals and select recipients based on the information provided in your application by using the following selection criteria:

  • Depth of the collaboration and quality of the artistic expression the theatres/artists involved are pursuing as illustrated by:
  • Collaborations that are substantive in form and content;
  • A history of well-executed and well-produced theatrical work, demonstrating control of production values and technique;
  • Application narratives that are self-reflective/critical and demonstrate internal development and willingness to take risks, as appropriate;
  • Application narratives that reflect awareness of the history and contemporary practice of the field and its relationship to both.
  • Evidence of commitment and ability to use the grant funds effectively to develop the proposed activity, as illustrated by:
  • Theatre training and professional experience of participating artists and collaborators (formal or informal);
  • Interest and/or experience in international work or cross-cultural exchange by the applicant;
  • Clearly articulated plan to implement the proposed travel or project;
  • Appropriateness of the budget, timeframe and capacity to implement the proposed activity;
  • Proven fiscal responsibility as illustrated by submitted materials.
  • If applicable, applicants must demonstrate the ability to raise additional funds for projects whose budgets exceed the maximum allowable grant request amount.
  • Potential to significantly impact and advance the applicant collaborator(s), and the larger filed.