Mechanical Information


Printing Offset litho, 60# coated text, 80# coated cover stock.
Binding Perfect Bound
Trim Size 8.25" x 10.875"
Bleed Size 8.75" x 11.375"
Safety Margin Keep all live matter .25" from the head and foot trim, and
.25" from outer trim.
2 Page Spread Ad -
Hinge Safety Margin
The left page should have a .5" safety margin on the top, bottom and left, and
.5" safety margin on the right.

The right page should have a .5" safety margin on the top, bottom and right, and
.5" safety margin on the left.
Computer Platform TCG art department chooses Adobe InDesign as the primary layout
application. The art department operates under Mac OSX and cannot support PC files.
Layout Applications Recommend InDesign CS or Quark 6 (for Mac).
Fonts Recommend Adobe Fonts (both Screen and Printer fonts).
Images All scans formatted as TIFF or EPS (scan to size at 300dpi).
Filename Please name your file following the format below.

your organization name_AT_ month_year
Electronic Delivery
Submit a High Resolution Adob PDF file via email: if under 5 MB

If larger than 5 MB, please submit via dropbox or contact us at and we will invite you to our dropbox.

Color reproduction is not guaranteed unless supplied with a professional (SWOP) color proof.



  • True Type

  • Do not apply artificial type styles to fonts (bold,
    italics, outline, shadow, etc.)


  • Do not scale an image more than 100% if resolution is
    below 133dpi.

  • Do not scale an image more than 125% if resolution is
    below 200dpi.

  • Turn off your OPI setting in either photoshop or Quark.

  • Never use GIF or JPG on a printed layout.

  • RGB images must be converted to CMYK for 4-color printing.

  • RGB images must be converted to Grayscale for black/white

  • Pantone and Spot Color must be converted to CMYK.

  • Do not include cropmarks, registration marks, color
    bars, bleed marks, trim marks or job slugs..


All fonts and images are EMBEDDED

All images are HIGH RESOLUTION (300 dpi)

All color illustrated line art are in CMYK (no RGB, Spot or Pantone Color)

The ad is submitted to true size (no crops, slugs, printers marks, etc.)

If submitting a fractional ad, please include a frame.

1. Color reproduction is not guaranteed unless supplied with a professional
(SWOP) color proof.
2. Publisher will not be responsible for reproduction quality if
ad material does not conform to requirements.
3. Advertiser is responsible for their corrections if ad is submitted
without the mechanical components (fonts, images and layout).
4. Production work required for mechanical art will be billed at
trade rates and is not subject to agency commission.
5. Email questions to Carol Van Keuren, Director of Advertising at

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