Valid and Reliable Conclusions - Telling A Story

How can one tell a story and convey meaning in easy to understand language to form powerful conclusions?

Stories grow out of objectives. When deciding to create an objective, there is a story to that decision. When deciding to use an assessment model, the story of that decision is also available, and can be combined with why one chooses a particular objective.

When it comes to conclusions, the story starts back with the decision about the objectives, continues with the choice of assessment models, the analysis and the findings. Conclusions package that information in ways the reader has yet to grasp. But the writer can see it, across their work, from start to finish.

Example of Telling a Story in a Conclusion:

Below are a few examples of stories embedded in conclusions.

Build Spirit for Program Success

At the beginning of the program, a screening process would help all feel like this program was important. The screening process should not be used to screen out students, but rather to screen in students. Screening in students means interviewing them, communicating the rules, explaining the structure of the program, soliciting their interests for placement in the program, garnering their support for participating in an exciting educational program, etc. In other words, building student spirit should look like this: students should be recruited for this exciting program of arts, academics and fun. In order for the program to work, discipline is, without question, a first priority, but discipline is only in support of a great instructional environment, a fun laboratory for learning and a great way to spend your afternoons.

Structural Changes

In order for student spirit building to be effective, some structural changes, such as changes in leadership and schedule should be reviewed. From the top down, a collaboration coordinator should be funded or found from within. A review of the schedule might suggest a more focused way to conduct classes, a more consistent way for students to experience the program and a less chaotic way for teachers to participate should be supported by a streamlined schedule. The thorny details of radios, keys and access to rooms should be smoothed out. The timing of students entering the program and leaving the building should be safeguarded and efficient. The faculty meetings should be reorganized from meetings about discipline nightmares to instructionally positive discussions about arts integration in and across disciplines. The spirit of students will ensue when the spirit of the teachers is felt faculty-wide both vertically and horizontally throughout the program.

First Year Growing Pains

These improvements are sought in order to change the program over from an after-school holding tank to a smart arts program filled with arts integration, student success and happy faculty. Good luck for the second year!

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