Education Survey
Since 1999, Theatre Communications Group has surveyed our Member Theatres about their education programs. The results of the surveys are featured in a Special Report on Education, which includes data from this survey as well as education-related data from the annual TCG Fiscal Survey. Beginning with the 2016 survey, the TCG Education Survey has moved from an annual survey to biennial.
Education Survey 2018 is now open!
Extended Deadline: Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Please complete the survey based on programming that took place during your theatre’s fiscal year that ended between October 31, 2017 and September 30, 2018.
If you have any questions regarding how to complete Education Survey 2018, please contact director of research, policy & collective action Laurie Baskin.
Please read the following carefully before attempting to access the Education Survey.
In order to access the survey, you will need to log in. Please note that there is no general user account/login for your organization; staff members need to have their own accounts, and logins should not be shared. If you do not have a login or if you have forgotten your username and password, please email TCG’s Membership Department at Please be sure to put “Education Survey access” in the subject line and to include in the email what you would like your username and password to be. IMPORTANT: Your login needs to be set up by our Membership department—rather than through the TCG website—in order for you to gain access to your survey.
Publicly Available Education Survey–Related Resources
TCG provides publicly available reporting tools based on data collected from Member Theatres’ participation in the annual Education Survey. In addition to the Search Tool below, a more robust tool that will enable the creation of customized Education Survey–related reports and a database of study guides will soon be available.
Search Tool: Education Survey 2016
TCG provides an online search tool, through which the previous year’s completed surveys of participating theatres can be viewed. Data from Education Survey 2016, the most recently completed year, is currently available.
Use the Search Tool