Disaster Management Resources
The Disaster Management Resource Page has been developed with three primary goals in mind: that all information is current, relevant and easy to navigate. This page will be updated periodically when new research/resources arise. If you have valuable Disaster Management information for the field-at-large that is not currently on TCG's website and/or have suggestions of additional resource categories please contact Ilana B. Rose, associate director of research & collective action, or call (212) 609-5900 x257.
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works – Collections Emergency Response Team
With highly-trained responder teams (100), AIC-CERT helps cultural institutions prepare and respond to disasters. This organization provides assistance by phone, email and in-person to collecting institutions affected by everything from leaking pipes to roof damage. They have a 24-hour assistance hotline (202) 661-8068. They have not yet worked with theatre companies; however, they are more than willing to launch into the theatre field. They charge a fee for deployment and assessment but will provide free preparation guidance.
ARE YOU PREPARED? A Guide to Emergency Planning
The Gerald R. Ford Conservation Center
The Nebraska State Historical Society for the Nebraska Museums Association
By Julie A. Reilly
While directed toward art museums, this is a general overview guide that would also be beneficial for theatres. This is a step-by-step, easy to follow manual which includes worksheets to aid cultural institutions in developing their own disaster plans.
Building an Emergency Plan: A Guide for Museums and Other Cultural Institutions
The Getty Conservation Institute
This is a thorough manual detailing how to develop an emergency preparedness and response plan tailored to your specific organization. This handbook includes: questions to consider, case studies, worksheets, suggested staff exercises, terminology, emergency supply lists, daily/periodic check lists and crisis job descriptions. This guide was written from a museum perspective, but offers a wealth of information also valuable for theatres.
Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts
CCAHA’s website includes: a beginner’s guide to developing a disaster plan, technical bulletins on salvaging books, photographs, and art on paper and the Mid-Atlantic Resource Guide for Disaster Preparedness, a comprehensive contact list for emergency response service providers and emergency supply and equipment vendors.
Coordinated Statewide Emergency Preparedness
A Handbook for the Cultural Community
This guide would benefit theatre companies who want to collaboratively work on a disaster plan. It contains information on how to set up and manage the group, preparedness checklists, acronyms, standard emergency management terms and resources. It also provides information on federal funding available for disaster response and recovery. This organization is geared toward libraries; however, a lot of this research could be valuable for partnering theatre companies.
National Archives Preservation and Archives Professionals Records Emergency Information
This website has a wealth of information on how to prepare, respond and recover paper and electronic records along with a list of vendors that provide record recovery and salvage services.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
This organization’s mission is to preserve historic landmarks and parks; however, their “Preparation & Response for Cultural Institutions” web page contains rich resources valuable for any theatre in crisis ranging from preparedness to response.
Northeast Documentation Conservation Center
As part of its Preservation Services program, this organization offers an emergency assistance program for institutions and individuals with damaged paper-based collections. You can call their Disaster Assistance Hotline (978) 470-1010 any time for free advice. Information provided includes advice on drying wet collections and dealing with damage from fire, pests or mold. This website also provides a template for writing disaster plans along with additional resources such as risk assessment webinar recordings and preservation leaflets.