Fiscal Survey


Each year since 1974, TCG has conducted a comprehensive survey that captures financial and performance-related information from participating Member Theatres. For many of our Member Theatres, participation in the TCG Fiscal Survey has become a routine annual activity that has proven well worth the time, effort and, admittedly, a small measure of pain! Members have long told us that the work they put into our survey creates a fiscal template for their organizations—one that serves as a foundation for a variety of grant applications and donor correspondence. For many theatres, the Fiscal Survey process further provides an unparalleled opportunity to take stock of, and improve upon, the financial systems that they have in place.

And the rewards do not stop there! The data gathered in the Fiscal Survey serve as the basis for Theatre Facts, TCG's annual in-depth on the state of the U.S. professional non-for-profit theatre field. Available to all Member Theatres, as well as the general public, Theatre Facts provides analysis of the U.S. professional not-for-profit theatre field and is a vital advocacy and policy tool for theatre professionals, trustees, funders, policy makers, educators and the press. Member Theatres that complete the Fiscal Survey see even more benefits, gaining exclusive access to online reporting tools and comprehensive survey data.

For those of you who are habitual Fiscal Survey participants, we welcome you to another round! For those of you who have never participated, or who have taken a Fiscal Survey "hiatus," we encourage you to consider participating this year for your own sake and for the field as a whole. As always, the greater the response by our membership, the more fully we are able to serve you by producing an accurate, representative picture of our industry.

For questions and further information about the TCG Fiscal Survey, please contact Ilana B. Rose, associate director of research & collective action, at

TCG Fiscal Survey 2019 FINAL Deadline:

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Fiscal Survey Reporting Tools: TCG Fiscal Survey 2018

As an exclusive benefit of their participation, the 177 TCG Member Theatres that completed Fiscal Survey 2018 have online access to extensive survey data that can be used for internal analysis and planning. Through the "TCG Fiscal Survey 2018 Reports" link, survey participants have the ability to generate a variety of customized reports or to download all of the 2018 raw data. Participants can also view the complete surveys of individual theatres by selecting "Participating Theatres 2018." Reporting tools and data for Fiscal Survey 2018 will be available to participants until August 2020.

If you have questions about the Fiscal Survey Reporting Tools, please email Ilana B. Rose at

TCG Fiscal Survey 2018 Reports


Participating Theatres 2018

