

The Humans by Stephen Karam

Capital Stage Theatre

Link: https://capstage.org/


The Thanksgiving Play by Larissa Fasthorse

Geffen Playhouse

Link: https://www.geffenplayhouse.org/


Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage

New Village Arts Theatre

Link: https://www.newvillagearts.org/


Aubergine by Julia Choo

South Coast Repertory

Link: https://www.scr.org/


The Thanksgiving Play by Larissa Fasthorse

Curious Theatre Company

Link: https://www.curioustheatre.org/


A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

Denver Center Theatre

Link: https://www.denvercenter.org


A Doll’s House, Part 2 by Lucas Hnath

Denver Center Theatre

Link: https://www.denvercenter.org


August: Osage County by Tracy Letts

Resident Ensemble Players

Link: http://www.rep.udel.edu


Jitney by August Wilson

Arena Stage

Link: https://www.arenastage.org/



The Thanksgiving Play by Larissa Fasthorse

Jobsite Theatre

Link: https://www.jobsitetheater.org/


Paradise Blue by Dominique Morisseau

Kenny Leon’s True Colors Theatre

Link: https://truecolorstheatre.org/


King Hedley II by August Wilson

Court Theatre

Link: https://www.courttheatre.org/


The Brother’s Size by Tarell Alvin McCraney

Steppenwolf Theatre Company

Link: https://www.steppenwolf.org/


Oslo by J.T. Rogers

TimeLine Theatre Company

Link: https://timelinetheatre.com/


Clean House by Sarah Ruhl

Portland Stage Company

Link: https://www.portlandstage.org/


Miss You Like Hell book by Quiara Alegria Hudges and Lyrics by Erin McKeown

Baltimore Center Stage

Link: https://www.centerstage.org/


Choir Boy by Tarell Alvin McCraney

SpeakEasy Stage Company

Link: http://www.speakeasystage.com/


Gloria a Life by Emily Mann

History Theatre

Link: https://www.historytheatre.com/


Aubergine by Julia Choo

Park Square Theater

Link: https://parksquaretheatre.org/


A Doll’s House, Part 2 by Lucas Hnath

Unicorn Theatre

Link: https://unicorntheatre.org/


Pipeline by Dominique Morisseau

Cleveland Playhouse

Link: https://fpatheatre.com/


Wakey, Wakey by Will Eno

Dobama Theater

Link: http://www.dobama.org/


Once by Edna Walsh

Broadway Rose Theater Company

Link: https://www.broadwayrose.org


Pipeline by Dominique Morisseau

Nashville Repertory Theatre

Link: https://nashvillerep.org/


Detroit ’67 by Dominique Morisseau

Virginia Stage Company

Link: http://www.vastage.org/


Indecent by Paula Vogel

Seattle Repertory Theatre

Link: https://www.seattlerep.org/


A Doll’s House, Part 2 by Lucas Hnath

American Players Theatre

Link: https://americanplayers.org/





The Humans by Stephen Karam

Capital Stage Theatre

Link: https://capstage.org



Jitney by August Wilson

Center Theatre Group

Link: https://www.centertheatregroup.org



A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

Denver Center Theatre

Link: https://www.denvercenter.org



A Doll’s House, Part 2 by Lucas Hnath

Denver Center Theatre

Link: https://www.denvercenter.org



The Thanksgiving Play by Larissa Fasthorse

Jobsite Theater

Link: https://www.jobsitetheater.org/thanksgiving-play



The Thanksgiving Play by Larissa Fasthorse

Urbanite Theatre

Link: https://www.urbanitetheatre.com



Fefu and Her Friends by Marie Irene Fornes

Theatre for a New Audience




A Doll’s House, Part 2 by Lucas Hnath

City Rep

Link: http://okcrep.org


The Thanksgiving Play by Larissa Fasthorse

Oregon Contemporary Theatre

Link: https://www.octheatre.org



The Thanksgiving Play by Larissa Fasthorse

Undermain Theatre

Link: https://www.undermain.org
