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Back to Goodnight Children Everywhere and Other Plays
Goodnight Children Everywhere and Other Plays

Goodnight Children Everywhere and Other Plays

Richard Nelson,


Goodnight Children Everywhere “Richard Nelson's new play announces itself almost as if it were Chekhovian...the play, like all plays of discovery and purgation, has a translucency and a density that nag, hurt and heal.”—London Sunday Times

New England “…smart, sharp, acridly funny…in the sweetest of all ironies, it’s an American writer at the peak of his form who has given London’s RSC the major new play that has eluded them all year.”—Variety

Some Americans Abroad “A sequel to The Innocents Abroad, Mark Twain’s caustic view of pretentious Americans abroad: both works indict the well-educated American middle-class for its supine and superficial relationship to Old World culture.”—New York Times

Two Shakespearean Actors “Nelson’s provocative account of the deadly rivalry between two great 18th century actors.”—Variety

Franny’s Way “Boundaries warp and melt in the dense urban heat that pervades Franny’s Way, Richard Nelson’s sensitively drawn portrait of love in the age of J.D. Salinger.”—New York Times

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